Deano wasn’t happy with kneeboards shaped by non kneeboarders, so he learnt to shape his own. Being the highest ranked Victorian on the pro tour and multiple Victorian champion meant it didn't take long for his designs to be in high demand.
If you want a performance kneeboard made by a kneeboarder, Dean is your man. The DNO is high performance, fast and manouvarable in any (but preferably hollow) waves in the 2-6ft range.
With low entry rocker for increased paddle and speed and standard (medium) exit rocker for manouvarability, the DNO will give you control at high speed and is super responsive. The low to mid rail line and single to double concave also helps with speed, lift and turns.
L W Th Vol Wgt
5’8 22 1/2 2 3/8 33.75 60-80kg
5'9 22 3/4 2 1/2 36.21 60-80kg
5'10 23 2 1/2 37.37 60-80kg
5'11 23 1/2 2 5/8 40.31 60-80kg
6'0 23 3/4 2 5/8 41.84 70-90kg
6'1 24 2 3/4 45.84 70-90kg
6'2 24 2 3/4 46.38 70-90kg
6'3 24 2 3/4 47.68 80+kg
* Pricing for this model includes...
Plain white with black decals and a pro-finish. Thruster (3) fin set up, and Standard glassing (6,4/4oz)
For custom sprays, tints, decals and finishes please call the factory on (03) 5952 2578